I have the honor of looking after this dynamic duo. As you may recall from a few months back, poor timid Shakespeare was no where to be found the last time I looked after him. Since then, there has been a new addition to the household - Miss Penelope, who is quite the social butterfly!
Penelope and her fancy furs
You can feed me now!
I know I'm so pretty that you can't look away, but a girl's gotta eat!
Now the last time I came to check in on Shakespeare, all I saw were his bowls.
Shakespeare's cute sushi bowls!
However I found his hiding spot in the closet!
If you look close, you can spot him!
I didn't want to startle the poor boy, so I just let him know that there was food and fresh water for him when and if he so chose to come out. Penelope came over to investigate, and just then Shakespeare leapt from his hiding spot and scurried around for a bit, before retreating into the bathroom.
Nobody will find me here!
Still - I think it was a good sign that Shakespeare felt comfortable enough to come out from the closet. I think Penelope has some work cut out for her in getting Mr. Shakespeare over his social phobia.
If anyone can do it, it's me!