Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A Thanksgiving Tradition

Farm Sanctuary's Adopt A Turkey Project has become a holiday tradition in our house. Every year, Steve and I each sponsor a turkey that lives at the sanctuary. We receive a little card with our turkeys' picture, which is really cute. Thanksgiving is not a good time to be a turkey, unless you live at the Farm Sanctuary!


Steffy said...

Hey Deb!!! Thank you so much for blogging this, I cant wait to adopt a turkey!! I love turkeys so much. We celebrate thanksgiving with a tofurkey. I cant wait to adpot my turkey!!!!

Razzle said...

You know, you can really physically adopt one too! I would love to if I lived in the right place (not so sure a turkey would like to live on the 42nd floor of a small apartment in downtown Chicago!)